CALM IN THE CANOPY - Press screening

freecompress 6685 judit bardos pechacek pavel gajdos vaclav kadrnka michal hogenauer

Director Michal Hogenauer shot Calm in the Canopy as a minimalist thriller with detective elements.

M, a well-off, middle-aged man, accidentally spots a suspicious-looking, dark-skinned young man at the airport. An exchange of glances and a few words sets into motion a gradually escalating series of events. Anonymous fear, stereotypes, and a pervasive sense of danger crawl into M’s lonesome life. In the whirl of the city, M progressively succumbs to the conviction that he has recognised the coming Evil, which needs to be confronted. The main roles will be played by Pavel Gajdoš and Judit Pecháček. The film will premiere in cinemas on 23 May.

Trailer  ZDE

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